Java Themed Wedding Invitation Designs Puppets

Puppets as a theme wedding invitations, traditional Indonesian Wayang is an art that developed Java and Bali island. Own puppet has a philosophy of life that can be said to be the real future life man. Why choose a puppet as Java Themed Wedding Invitation Designs Puppets ?, Because puppets can be retrieved through a lot of lessons and stories, let's say like the story of the struggle to defend the country, goodness always crush the evil Puppet didactic in its delivery, the message to give the concept views on God's creatures. Actually there are many more that can be drawn from the philosophy of wayang figures, then that's better than Java Themed Wedding Invitation Designs Puppets. Following a variety of wedding invitation designs with the theme of the puppet so much liked by the bride in modern times today, below are some examples of wedding invitation designs with the theme of puppets :
design wedding invitations, wedding theme, puppet
Javanese ethnic wedding invitations, puppets I
Java Themed Wedding Invitation Designs Puppets, to provide insight if you do not know the philosophy of the Puppet People, here are some of the philosophies that may bs makes puppets of your inspiration and you can adjust the properties you would expect :
Gareng - punakawan Gareng is having fun joking nature, loyal to his master, and love to help.
Meaning contained in Gareng story is :
  • Do not judge a person from physical form. Budi was located in the heart, the character does not appear in physical form but in attitude and behavior. Not necessarily mean his physical disability.
  • A person must remind each other.
  • Do not like depriving others.
  • Love your brother with wholeheartedly.
  • If bertindah have a full and careful calculation.
Semar - Mengembani nature of the building and carry out the commandment of God for the welfare of mankind.
There are many other puppet characters are like Bagong, Petruk, Werkudhoro, Billy Glass etc..
Javanese ethnic wedding invitations, puppets II
design wedding invitations, wedding theme, puppet
Javanese ethnic wedding invitations, puppets III
Hopefully by the example Java Themed Wedding Invitation Designs Puppets can help you to have your wedding invitation designs with your partner to be more unique and has no equal, so it will be means and prayer. Greetings to us all smile
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